What’s going on with us, you might ask? Well, let us paint the scene: since coming back from Europe late last year we have been sitting at the kitchen table. For months, really. We’ve muffled up against the British winter, and we have been Thinking (Thinking with a capital T). We’ve spent hours at our computers planning, doodling and just … mulling. Hashing out where we want to take our little travel journey next, our 2018 walks.

And it’s been a slow process. But hey as we do everything slowly, we suppose it fits doesn’t it?

We knew we wanted to carry on writing about and photographing our particular type of travel. Y’know, the walking type of travel, the slow type of travel. We found just simple walking produced very interesting travel experiences, and very interesting discoveries about ourselves too. We wondered how we could continue this, develop it.

So we plotted our travel plan for 2018 by making a decision: instead of walking one giant trail we would walk several. Smaller ones, in a host of different countries. We would travel to cities too, and walk and walk and walk around them, getting under the skin of a place. We’ve started this already in London with our Christmas lights walk. (We’d love to know what you think about it by the way).

The 2018 walks that we’ve pinpointed are pretty much all in Europe. This is because firstly it’s our home, and secondly walking trails run like arteries through the entire continent: you can walk the length and breadth of Europe if you wanted to (maybe we will, that’d be something wouldn’t it?).

These walks vary hugely in length: some will be single afternoons, another a 400km stretch. We’re really very excited to show you them, and there’ll be popping up on the blog & Instagram as we go.

2018 walks - What if we walked?

One thing’s for sure, each little journey we do will be us going slowly – taking in the textures, cultures and little details of wherever we’re in. To this end we’ll be stopping a lot too, getting to know places and the rhythms of life there. The walking and the blog will be one and the same: simple, seasonal, and personal.

So we’ll be setting off in February – join us will you?


Do you have a suggestion for our 2018 walks plan, or after that? We’re always open – let us know in the comments or use our contact form.