There’s something about walking. The fresh air and the simple, natural rhythm of it appeals to humans, fits with us. But maybe you think it’s a bit boring? Decided you’re more of an ‘indoor kind of person? Or just have unpleasant visions of waterproof trousers. It’s understandable.
So here we set out exactly what our reasons to travel in this way really are, and how it’s something anyone really can and should do, for all kinds of wonderful reasons.

7 reasons to travel on foot:
To get somewhere
It’s a type of transport a bit like any other, but with no departure timetables, no exorbitant ticket prices, or stressful new motorways. It’s an honest-to-God great and simple way of getting to and seeing new places, both near and far.
For the experience
When you walk though, it’s not just getting there, it’s actually getting to see and experience every single place you go through. If you’re the type of person who’s just curious about the world, about how different people live, then walking is perfect.
You can take in tourist destinations, but also you’ll also be able to follow the shortcut locals take to work, pass through the garden allotments with perfect views of a city, or find the hidden track that only wild animals really use. Walking can show you things you didn’t know you wanted to see, and the whole scope of the actual globe unfolds.
Discovering (or recovering?) old and secret ways
There’s an amazing old connectedness to places, living arteries threading across the whole world. Sometimes these roads can be more important than their destinations.
The wilds
So not all walking includes this, but if you’re going anywhere far off, you’ll be haring off into some undergrowth sooner or later. It’s beautiful and surreal and kind of humbling to stand in the middle of nowhere.
It’s healthy
To be out there stretching your legs, and yourself; use your body for what it was made for.
To think and to breathe
It’s not just for your physical health, but mental too. A whole lot of space opens up when you start to walk. It’s like your brain slows and regulates to mirror the slow, steady measure of your feet. Use it to get away, and get your head together.
It could be a couple of miles, it could be thousands. Coming to your finish point, or back to where you started, is a glorious feeling of accomplishment.